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Mastering Your Genealogy Social Media Calendar: A Four-Step Guide

A January 2024 social media content calendar full of content ideas.

In the world of genealogy, connecting with a like-minded community is key to enriching our understanding of the past. One of the most effective ways to build this community is through a consistent and engaging presence on social media. A well-planned content calendar is crucial for this. Today, I’ll guide you through four essential steps to create a social media content calendar that resonates with fellow genealogy enthusiasts.

Step 1: Plan Your Weekly Staples

Every week, aim to post a blend of three types of content: a thought-provoking quote, evergreen content, and a “trigger” question. There are many of weekly ideas you can do as well.

  • Quotes: Start with quotes that offer wisdom about history or genealogy. These can be inspiring, reflective, or even humorous insights from historical figures or contemporary genealogists.

  • Evergreen Content: This is your cornerstone content. Share tips, how-to guides, personal stories, or valuable resources that remain relevant over time. This could be anything from a guide to reading old handwriting to a story about uncovering a family mystery. Evergreen content is pieces that can be shared multiple times.

  • Trigger Questions: Engage your audience by asking questions that prompt them to share. Questions like “What’s the oldest artifact you’ve found in your family history research?” or “Which historical era fascinates you the most?” spur interaction and personal sharing.

Step 2: National Holidays – Tapping into Wider Celebrations

Integrate national holidays into your calendar. Whether it’s Independence Day, Black History Month, or National Women's History Month, use these occasions to create posts that connect genealogy with broader themes. For instance, during National Women’s History Month, feature stories of female ancestors or discuss how to trace maternal lines in family history research.

Step 3: Celebrate Birthdays – From Famous Figures to Ancestors

Make your calendar personal and historically rich by including the birthdays of significant historical figures and your own ancestors. Share a post celebrating Abraham Lincoln’s birthday by linking his life events to broader historical contexts. Similarly, honor the birthdays of your ancestors by sharing their stories, photos, or their impact on your family history.

Step 4: Historical Events – Bringing the Past to the Present

Dedicate some posts to commemorate historical events that occurred in the month you’re planning for. For instance, if you’re planning for January, a post about the opening of Ellis Island (January 1, 1892) could include stories of immigrant ancestors who traveled through Ellis Island or discuss the process of coming to America. These posts can be educational and provide a way to connect personal genealogy to larger historical narratives.

By following these four steps, you can create a content calendar that is not only structured and consistent but also deeply engaging and informative. Your social media platforms can become a hub for sharing knowledge, celebrating history, and connecting with others who share your passion for genealogy.

I invite you to share your content calendar ideas or successes in the comments below. Let’s create a collaborative space where we can learn from each other. Also, if you’re posting about your family history journey on social media, use the hashtag #FamilyHistoryJourney to connect with our growing community.

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